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Jun 25, 2018

It happened. And co-hosts Corinne Fisher (@PhilanthropyGal) & Rosebud Baker (@RosebudBaker) are going to tell you every manic detail. Still no arrests. Produced by Mike Coscarelli (@MikeCoscarelli).

Jun 18, 2018

Your fave lil stalkers - Corinne Fisher (@PhilanthropyGal) & Rosebud Baker (@RosebudBaker) - missed their big shot to meet Justin Bieber in NYC this weekend as they were both out of town working and they’ll absolutely complain about that next week, but in the meantime let’s discuss the new Cupid movie and the...

Jun 13, 2018

While we’re all waiting to see if this raccoon makes it down from the building ok, enjoy the second part of our #TwoLessLonelyGirls episode featuring former TMZ reporter ADAM GLYN (@adamglyn). Hosted by your two favorite psychos - comedians Corinne Fisher (@PhilanthrooyGal) & Rosebud Baker (@RosebudBaker). Produced by...

Jun 11, 2018

Comedians Corinne Fisher (@PhilanthropyGal) & Rosebud Baker (@RosebudBaker) welcome their first ever guest — former TMZ reporter and current paparazzi ADAM GLYN (@adamglyn) — to reflect on Bieber and celebrity like only someone on the inside can. Produced by: Mike Coscarelli (@MikeCoscarelli)

Jun 4, 2018

Comedians Corinne Fisher (@PhilanthropyGal) & Rosebud Baker (@RosebudBaker) explore the life, views, and glasses choices of Justin Bieber’s very hot celebrity pastor, Carl Lentz. Produced by: Mike Coscarelli (@MikeCoscarelli)